The Changeling Attack

Jed Hamilton:

When I saw the changelings attacking the hospital, I grew worried. Not just about if the people could get hurt or killed in the onslaught. It was also about our secret world being discovered by normal people. I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, but the dumbest thing to do is to pretend that there’s no secret hidden world.

And that’s a dumb, but necessary decision that I have to make.

When I saw my mother running down the hall, I knew exactly had to be done. As much as I hated it, mom would have to know the truth about me and my secret magical world.


Linda Hamilton:

I had been working in the hospital for several hours when I heard an alarm ringing in the halls. I heard the screams of various people as they fled from their rooms. But the reason they fled was not of human means, not when I saw my son talking about what appeared to be a monster.

After I heard Jed telling me to run, I paused in my footsteps. What was I running from? What was going on here? And why was Jed at the hospital when he should be at school?

But before I could ask the question, Jed grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall. It was then that I realized that there was no time for explanations. I just had to get out of there.


A random stranger

When I heard the alarm, I found myself jumping out of bed and running down the hall. There were scores of people fleeing from the hospital. Some teenagers spoke of changelings attacking the place.

But what is a changeling, and why would they attack a hospital? What did anyone in the hospital do to those monsters to deserve their wrath?

I then saw Mrs. Hamilton being dragged away from the room by a young boy. The boy appeared to be her son, as I heard him calling her “mom”. But I also saw him trying to protect her from the evil that is in the air.

After the Endgame (StoryADay post)


Ling-Mei was angry. The movie “Avengers: Endgame” didn’t end the way that he had wanted the story to end. And he was letting everyone know that through his bad attitude.

“Dude, what the tail is wrong with you?” Andy said to him as the toys gathered in the cafeteria for lunch. “You’re angrier than an elephant with excema.”

“Yeah,” said Amelia. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s that Endgame movie,” said Ling-Mei. “That movie was a waste of my life!”

“Don’t tell me that you hated the movie,” said Jaclyn. “If you did, you’ve offended scores of Marvel fans, including me.”

“I don’t care,” said Ling-Mei. “I hated that movie. Now leave me alone!”

He stormed away from the table as Susie said, “Forget him, guys. Let him stew in his own anger. He’ll get over it soon.”

“I hope so,” said Bob.



Unlike Ling-Mei, Wrinkles didn’t appear to care about how “Avengers: Endgame” had ended. He was a casual movie watcher, never getting involved in the movie unless it was necessary.

Case in point:

“Well, I personally thought the movie wasn’t all that bad,” he said in response to Ling-Mei’s comment about the movie.

“But you don’t hate it?” Ling-Mei snapped.

“Don’t be silly,” said Wrinkles. “I can’t hate the Avengers. It’s just a movie. Besides, you take this too serious. Why can’t you just enjoy the movie like everyone else?”

Ling-Mei yelled out, “You just don’t get it,” as he walked away. Wrinkles shook his head, saying, “That dude will never get it.”

“And neither will you,” said Bob. “You don’t take this seriously at all.”

“Whatever,” said Wrinkles.



While Ling-Mei was angry and Wrinkles was indifferent, Jaclyn was very happy with the conclusion of “Avengers: Endgame”. In fact, she was so excited that she couldn’t contain herself.

Case in point:

“Wow, Wrinkles, you just don’t care about the movie, don’t you?” she said to him.

“Well, it’s just a movie,” Wrinkles said, but Jaclyn glared at him. “How could you say that?” she cried out. “”Avengers: Endgame” is the conclusion of something that Marvel studios began with Iron Man in 2008! how can you NOT be excited over that?”

“Maybe it’s because…” Wrinkles began, but Susie shut him down. “Jaclyn is excited about the movie, which you will never be,” she snapped. “Abeau to you for not being excited over the movie!”

As you can see, there were three moods and the reaction to “Avengers: Endgame”. Now you know.

Unspoiling the Endgame (Just Another Random LPS Show fanfiction) (StoryADay Post)

“Well, I hope that you’re not planning to spoil the movie,” Snarky Susie said as she, Jaclyn, Amelia, Andy, Bob, and Wrinkles were standing in line at the movies. They were planning to watch the movie “Avengers: Endgame”. Susie and Jaclyn had both seen the movie on opening night, which mean that the others didn’t watch the movie yet.

Until now, that was.

Jaclyn said, “It’s not us who have to worry about the movie being spoiled; it’s probably Ling-Mei trying to ruin everything for us. Again.”

“Like remember last year, when he ruined “Avengers: Infinity War” for us?” said Wrinkles.

“That one guy behind us almost killed him,” said Amelia.

“Plus, all those spoilers were fake,” said Susie. “Abeau to him for ruining the movie for us!!! He should have known better!”

Jaclyn said, “Does it matter? Ling-Mei gets his news from that fake tabloid website…”

“You mean, The Fresh Plants News?” said Bob.

“That site is full of crap,” said Andy. “Everything on there is fake.”

“Indeed,” said Jaclyn.

“Uh-oh, here he comes,” said Susie as the panda in question came towards them. He said, “I just got done seeing Endgame, and you won’t believe what happens…”

“Shut up, Ling-Mei!” everyone yelled as they pounced on him and covered his mouth.

Shopkins & the Youtube Takeover (StoryADay Post)

“So, what do we have here?” Tartface said to Frank and Sneaky as they met in their meeting spot.

“I know,” said Sneaky. “Those Littlest Pet Shop toys have all the equipment that they need to be popular on YouTube.“

“I know,” said Frank. “It’s not fair that those toys are popular and we’re not!”

“I see,” said Tartface. “But not to worry, because I have a plan to take down those Pets.”

“And what’s the big plan for crushing that Snarky Susie and her friends?” said Sneaky.

“Well,” Tartface began, but the rest of the story is unfortunately unfit for publication.

The Escape (StoryADay Post)

15-year-old Karl Kroger looked up from the floor, where he had been laying for the past two hours. He had been locked away in a hospital in Poland for the last 3 years, and he was sure that he was losing his mind.

Because no one bothered to come visit him at all.

Karl frowned, wondering if he was going to die in this room, alone and forgotten. His mother Michaela had killed herself after hearing about his hospitalization, and his sisters Anna and Christine weren’t allowed to look for him. His father Michael was depicted as cool and uncaring after someone openly accused him of getting rid of Karl and attempting to replace him with his much-younger cousin, Leopold Trichenberg.

Just then, the door opened, revealing the face of Hans Fruar. Hans was the leader of the seven wolf packs that lived in Russia, yet his main clan was known as Starfire. Hans had learned about Karl’s imprisonment and he sought to not only save the boy, but to punish the father for forcing the boy away from the rest of his family.

Hans said, “I see you in there, boy.”

“What do you want?” Karl said with a look of fear on his face.

“You’re coming with me, boy,” said Hans as he stepped into the room.

“But I’m not allowed to leave this room,” said Karl. “Father says that I’ve been a bad boy…”

“You fool!” Hans snarled as he slapped Karl across his face. “Your father is the foolish one if he threw you away and murdered your mother and sister. But no more; his lies will destroy him.”

“What are you doing?” said Karl.

“I’m helping you escape, idiot boy,” said Hans. “You’re leaving this god-awful place and coming with me.” To a group of werewolves standing at the door, he said, “You all know what to do.”

The rest of this story deals with what happened after Karl Kroger escaped from the hospital, but that will have to be for another time.

I’m Not “Her” (StoryADay Post)

Please stop referring to me as “her”.

I’m not “her”; I’m “him”.

I’m a boy.

I was born as a boy, so why is everyone treating me as if I’m a girl? This isn’t fair. I have the right to be a boy if I want to.

Why is it that everyone wants me to be a girl? Do they have issues stemming from their own lives or something like that? My grandmother says that she already has three grandsons, and she was beyond angry with dad when he told her that I had been born. She blames mom for not giving birth to a daughter, which was what she wanted me to be.

So I don’t have a relationship with grandma, and it’s all her fault.

Plus, she turned everyone else against me, which is a very sad thing. Grandma won’t accept me unless I become a girl, which is something that I’ll never do. My friends accept me as a boy, so why can’t she?

Why can’t I just live my life as a boy?

No, really. Why can’t I?

Even scarier than the first story

It was Halloween night, and while most high schoolers were fighting against adults who thought that they were too old to get candy, Irene, Stuart, Mara, and Pearl were at the Harrison Creek Cemetery.

Or rather, they were at the grave of Tanya Shinnok.

As we all remember, Tanya had been their best friend. She was kidnapped and murdered over the past summer; her body was found at the famed Green Hill Manor. Since her funeral, the city was plagued by not only her ghost, but the ghosts of other dead children that the city had failed to rescue.

The kids screamed in horror as Tanya’s ghost appeared before them. “Tanya?” Stuart hesitated to say.

“In a manner of speaking,” said Tanya.

“But you’re dead,” said Mara as she stared at the ghost. “Why are you still here?”

“Because I still have some unfinished business here, business that needs to be resolved,” said Tanya.

“What unfinished business?” said Irene. “What are you talking about?”

“Susanna Brezetta,” said Tanya as the kids stared at her. “I know she killed me. But not to worry, because I’m going to haunt her until she reveals the truth about my death to the city.”

How to break a rumor, part 1

“Let’s break some bad rumors!” Stuart said as the kids met at the clubhouse. They had suffered too long; the fact that they were the center of some rumors about a missing girl named Tanya Shinnok was enough to make them want to take revenge for their suffering.

“And how are we going to do that?” said Irene. “We don’t even know who’s spreading the rumors about us.”

“I think I may have a clue as to who’s doing that,” said Mara as she switched on her computer.

The trio gasped as they stared at several websites that pointed to rumors about them and Tanya. Those rumors ranged from the kids joining secret doomsday cults to them helping Tanya escape from an arranged marriage. Most of these stories seemed to be written by people who worked for the tabloids.

“Whoever’s doing this is going to pay,” Stuart said in anger.


It is war that will be declared on the city of Harrison Creek, Oregon. Why is the war happening?

It’s happening because the city had wasted its time trying to find a fictional girl while other missing girls were ignored. It’s as if the city didn’t care about those girls, favoring a fictional girl who would never be found.

Ironically, the city didn’t like that imaginary girl to begin with.

To be fair, let’s recap what happened within the previous months:

Tanya Shinnok disappeared while she was with her friends on June 20, 2010. Ten days later, she was reported missing. The Harrison Creek Police Department, perplexed about the mystery, arrested over 50 people during their investigation.

Then some parody news site declared Tanya to be imaginary, like she never existed. I’m angry that they called Tanya fake, like the summer that had been spent searching for her didn’t matter.