My Hero (StoryADay Post)

Avengers (comics)
Avengers (comics) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m not sure if I should consider Team Sescape as heroes.

I used to assume that all heroes wore capes and costumes, but that’s not all a hero is. For instance, the team operates in secrecy, and few people know who they actually are. For all I know, the team could be a group of regular students at my school.

I also know that Team Sescape doesn’t hesitate to stand up for other people even if they appear to be regular students themselves. I’ve seen them take on bullies that not even teachers would dare to deal with, and I have seen them helping people who most of us would turn the other cheek to.

What does that make them heroes?

I used to think that heroes were like the Avengers, a group of superheroes who fought the bad guys and save the day, but I was wrong. Team Sescape doesn’t necessarily fight bad guys and save the day like we assume that heroes do. Yet, they do smaller things such as helping people and stopping bullies from hurting people.

And they taught me a lesson that heroes coming all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter if they wear a mask and a cape or not. Anybody can be your hero as long as they are willing to help others and fight for what they believe in, and Team Sescape isn’t afraid to fight for what they believe in either.