Shara’s List (StoryADay Post)

The first volume of The Book of Lists.
The first volume of The Book of Lists. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My list of things that I must do to help my new friends (and to get rid of the lies that were being spread about them) by Shara Shinnok

After finding out some stuff about Tanya Shinnok over the past summer, I decided to make a list of things that I need to do in order to solve the mystery that surrounded my new friends Mara, Stuart, Irene, and Pearl.

And the list is as follows:

  1. Find out who decided to make up stuff about Tanya Shinnok and why they did that.
  2. Inform Katie about the unauthorized usage of her character and advise her to take legal action.
  3. Ask the people who once went to Harrison Creek Elementary School with “Tanya” and her friends about what they know about her and the “Teen Rebels“.
  4. Research the Teen Rebels.
  5. Find out how the story about “Tanya” got out into the city.
  6. Finish up my documentary about Tanya.
  7. Ask Mara, Stuart, Irene, and Pearl about where, when, and how they met “Tanya”.
  8. Ask Uncle Raven, Spenser, Arthur, Jamie, Trevor, and Tallulah if “Tanya” really existed and if she was related to them in any way.
  9. Ask dad if he even knew about “Tanya” at all.
  10. Meet with Katie to compare notes about what we found out about “Tanya“.
  11. Try to find pictures of “Tanya” in school yearbooks.
  12. Prepare myself for any possible backlash from me finding out the truth about “Tanya“.