A Secret Pearl (StoryADay)

In Chevalier's fictional account, the characte...
In Chevalier’s fictional account, the character Griet is the model for Vermeer’s painting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Peter Rasputin, ninth grade English teacher at Harrison Creek High School, was keeping a terrible secret. If anyone were to find out what that secret was, it would destroy his reputation.

He had fathered a child when he was only 14 years old. And not just any child; it was one of his students, a girl named Pearl Tanner. Pearl, who many students called “Pearl the Alien” until Irene Haughton forced them to stop. Pearl, who was once friends with a girl named Tanya Shinnok.

Pearl, who didn’t even know she was her teacher’s daughter.

Peter had kept that secret about Pearl for many years, fearing that his reputation would go down the drain if anyone found out. He knew he should tell a therapist about that secret, but who trusts therapists these days? What would he do if Gemma Challoner got her hands on that story and exposed it to the rest of the city?